The Path of the Game Dev — Day 7

Gabrielle Igarta
2 min readDec 1, 2020


Saving progress…

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More work on Phase 1 for today:

  • Alternative projectile: Phase 1 asks for you to come up with an idea for an alternate projectile power up and implement it fully, collectible and all. Instead of going for the suggestions of a homing missile or a multi-direction shot, I thought of creating a mega beam that would continuously fire while the power was active. I’ve run into some problems with the method not being called but I’m working through it the best I can.
  • Charge/cool down system for thrusters: The sprite that represents the thruster charge is set and ready to go. It was a little difficult to wrap my head around at first and I’m still unsure if I like the look of it, but it will do for now. Next comes the hard part — coding it to deplete the bar when the player holds down the left shift button, preventing its use when the bar is depleted, and recharging the bar to full during a cool-down phase.
  • Camera shake: I took a note from some of my fellow GameDev interns and wrote a CameraShake script to attach to the Main Camera. Thankfully I didn’t have any problems with the effect triggering outside of instances when the enemies or their lasers collide with the player. Hooray!

While I am disappointed that I didn’t get a lot done today in comparison to the leaps I made last week, I acknowledge that I still only started learned how to do anything with Unity and C#.

Biggest takeaways from the day: Progress is not linear.

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Progress saved!



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